Wednesday, December 14, 2005


So, I'm supposed to be working on a paper I promised for an upcoming conference of librarians. It's something I really need to finish before I fly home for the holidays (eight days and a wake up) but here I am, blogging. Who else out there blogs to procrastinate? Raise your hands!

This is what's on my mind. People ask us all the time how I reacted when I heard about moving to Serbia, and I usually say that I wasn't sure quite where it was and didn't know much about the history. Yesterday we were having coffee with a few of Dan's students, and I got the question. And for the first time in ages, I thought about my actual emotional response to the news: excited but also scared to go to a place I didn't know anything about.

I'm sure this is occurring to me because we are going home next week, and we're going to see our families and friends and eat all our favorite foods. As excited as I am about that, it's not like we're leaving the gulag and returning to civilization. I have friends and routines here and I'm really quite happy. I already know that when we leave Serbia at the end of the year, there are things that I'm going to miss. What amazes me is just how quickly we adapt to new situations; despite the cultural differences and the lack of M&Ms, life here is really normal and comfortable for me.

I know when I go home I'm going to be bombarded with the same questions I get here: Do you like Serbia? How is the food? How is the language? How is Serbia different from the USA? It will be interesting to see if my answers for Americans are very different from my answers for Serbians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I promise that I will not ask any questions about Serbia. I did however go to the Chopper today and stock up on Meaghan food .. and some anchovies and Limeade for Dan and I :) See you next week. Be safe.