Thursday, June 15, 2006

I love The Onion

It's great to see that the US is caught up in World Cup fever this year (hah!).

I was showing this piece to a friend in Serbia, and I had to explain the joke.

1 comment:

Heidrun Peters said...

Hi Meaghan,

I found your blog via Global Voices and found it very interesting.

I have set up a new blog yesterday

The name refers to the 32 countries at the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany.

I am now looking for correspondents from each of these countries.

Would you like to represent USA? or Serbia?

I would be very pleased if you did.

I see you are interested in football, and you seem to love writing.

I am impressed by the range of subjects you write about in your own blog.

So I would appreciate very much if you contributed to 32countries blog.

Let me know what you think.


Heidrun Karin Peters

from Germany