Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The King of Kong

Last night we went to our local theater to see the new King Kong. I'm a long time fan of the original - when I was little my Uncle Donny would bring over a VHS tape to play for me and my siblings, and we watched it many, many times. So I was excited to see the remake with new special effects and whatnot.

The gorilla was great, I though the actors were good, but I think Peter Jackson is suffering from George Lucas syndrome. Which is to say that he's so popular, there's no one to say "No, Peter, you don't need that CGI effect" or "Do you really think it advances the plot to spend two hours wandering around the jungle?" or "Man, Peter, what's with the bugs?"

There were parts I enjoyed quite a bit, but I thought it was way too long. I admit that I was especially sensitive to this because the seats in our movie theater can only be charitably described as chairs, in that I can sit on them but only if I'm willing to endure intense physical pain. And for those Quincyites out there, I'm talking about seats WAY worse than The Wolly.

I'm glad we went; it was a definite cinematic experience and it was easy to see how much Peter Jackson loves the original. I just have to remember to bring my own chair when we go see Narnia next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is somehow heartening to know that somewhere out there exist seats worse than The Wolly's (was the floor sticky)? By the way, I thought it was too long too, and my seat when I saw it was actually pretty comfortable! JESS